Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Senior Reflections
1.) This year has been great in your class Mr. Stroud. Along with actually learning it was an incredibly funny class to be in. The constant arguing between you, and Max always made most of our class laugh. The best moment in the class was that push up competition, I hadn't expected for you to wreck Max that badly.

2.) I am so glad that Senior year is nearly over. Now that political science is over I have much more free time. Hopefully this summer I will be able to work and save up money for use at college over the next few years. Best of luck next year with Political Science and setting up all of the kids with internships.

3.) Now that summer is almost starting I can just relax. I only have swimming and work for three nights a week. I will be able to sleep in most mornings and hang out with my friends, something I have not been able to do much lately. Hopefully my family will be able to make it to the beach this year. Have a good summer.

Current Events
Airport Police may be Unprepared for Threats
A new study shows that many airport police forces might not be well enough trained to deal with a scenario dealing with multiple gunmen. The article states a cause of this could be that because airport security is a “cushy” job many of the men and women working it are older, they got their positions because of seniority.

I chose this article because it looked interesting and security should definitely be a concern. This article addresses many problems some obvious and some obscure and hopefully this could get some momentum to help responsibly increase security without costing everybody an arm and a leg. 

Senior Pranks: Goats on Roof?
This story tells of what a school in Simsbury, Connecticut that had to do to get goats off of an overhang. The fire department got all four of the goats safely off the roof and the administrators have not done anything because they did not want to overreact to a senior prank.

This story is an example of what our school should be doing, not overreacting. Was the oil thing stupid? Yes, should the kids who did it get some form of punishment? Yes, but should they not be allowed to walk? No that punishes the family more than the kids. They just need to chill out and take a good look at what happened because the crime doesn’t fit the punishment.

Breathalyzer to Enter Prom?
This story is about some kids who tried to go to their schools prom but because of a policy enacted by the school board everyone trying to enter prom had to take a breathalyzer and pass it. So two students said no and cited the fourth amendment and a Supreme Court case as reason for why they should not be forced to take a breathalyzer without reasonable suspicion.

It is definitely wrong that they would choose to make everyone take a breathalyzer even though it was in response to incidents earlier in the year. They should have simply taken the students who were caught last time and make them take a breathalyzer.

Rare Color Photographs of D-Day
This article tells of an unveiling of a statue today in Sainte-Marie-du-Mont honoring Major Dick Winters. You may have heard of Winters if you watched the “Band of Brothers” series, it was based off of events his troops faced. Finally they have some photos of the war in color which are pretty cool to look at.

I chose this article because it’s not every day that they release stuff from WWII. It wasn’t as informative as I would have liked but it still showed quite a few cool pictures which were fun to look at.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Apple and Human Rights

In recent months it has  become quite evident that Apple has disregarded human life in the attempt to make profit. Last year in order to work in Apple factories workers were forced to sign pledges that swore they would not commit suicide. In January there was an explosion at and I-Pad factory killing two, injuring dozens. Apple has been found to be using child laborers, toxic chemicals, and ignoring many imminent signs of danger, simply to turn a faster profit. If Apple tried making I-Pads with these methods in the USA then they would be out of business but because China disregards human rights they get away with this. Hardly fair is it?

Pope Visits Latin America

The Pope recently visited Latin America.

While in Mexico he met with victims of the violence and many of his supporters. He also encouraged that they would fight the drug violence whenever possible. Also over 3000 members of clergy swooped into Guanajuato in the hopes of meeting the Pope. One of the goals of this trip to Mexico was to encourage a Catholic revival. While the Pope was in Mexico he donned a sombrero, which has led to a fairly amusing picture, which he wore while giving a mass.