Friday, March 30, 2012

Apple and Human Rights

In recent months it has  become quite evident that Apple has disregarded human life in the attempt to make profit. Last year in order to work in Apple factories workers were forced to sign pledges that swore they would not commit suicide. In January there was an explosion at and I-Pad factory killing two, injuring dozens. Apple has been found to be using child laborers, toxic chemicals, and ignoring many imminent signs of danger, simply to turn a faster profit. If Apple tried making I-Pads with these methods in the USA then they would be out of business but because China disregards human rights they get away with this. Hardly fair is it?

Pope Visits Latin America

The Pope recently visited Latin America.

While in Mexico he met with victims of the violence and many of his supporters. He also encouraged that they would fight the drug violence whenever possible. Also over 3000 members of clergy swooped into Guanajuato in the hopes of meeting the Pope. One of the goals of this trip to Mexico was to encourage a Catholic revival. While the Pope was in Mexico he donned a sombrero, which has led to a fairly amusing picture, which he wore while giving a mass.